Friday, April 26, 2013


Today I am baking some Tastefully Simple treats for a friend who is doing a missions scrapbooking event and the house smells wonderful.   I love baking just so the house smells like a home :)

I enjoy selling TS it's so easy to go the cabinet and make something that tastes great using only one or two ingredients.

I have also been playing with some silk corsages.   I forget how much fun it is to work with silks.


Thursday, April 25, 2013

Relay For Life

Did it again so excited to be a part of Bayside Relay For Life as Entertainment Chair and also that my team won the best decorated campsite and Most Team Spirit. 

If you have never been to a Relay For Life event you must go check one out.  It will change your life forever.

Just found out that our team is #3 in fundraising. :)

Awesome Tip from TheMailbox
Just a Spritz
Here’s a less messy way to use watercolor paints. Instead of setting out water cups, keep a spray bottle of water nearby. When a youngster’s tray of paints begins to dry out, spritz it with water and let the painting fun continue.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Thinking of Selling Your Crafts?

I don't know about you but I love to sell at craft shows.  I love the people that I meet and the friends that you make.

I haven't entered in a craft show in a long time but I sure to feel the need to get it together and enter one.  It's a long day but so worth it for me for many reasons.

See what  Creative Income has to say about, "Which Craft Show is Best for Me to Sell my Crafts".

Finished a Flip Flop piece I was working on for my front door. :)

Friday, April 12, 2013

I forgot how much fun and how easy it is to make a motorcycle diaper cake.  

Made my first upside down pineapple cake today my husband was so excited that I made it and said it would be gone in no time :)

Finally getting my craft room into shape and the good news in that everything is in one place I don't have to go from room to room looking for my stuff.